Tissue Culture Unit

Current cell and tissue engineering laboratory needs to be modernized in order to meet the European Union standards. Methods of isolation, culture and preparation of human skin for transplantation have been so far used successfully in treatment of skin burns, which we have led in cooperation with particular clinical centres in Cracow. The results of clinical tests conducted within the frameworks of three scientific projects have been highly rated. In 2006, Faculty of Chemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology of Jagiellonian University, signed an agreement with the Centre for the Treatment of Burns in Siemianowice.   
Development of the centre new human cells culture laboratory is under substantive patronage of the Faculty. Except for applied researches, basic research projects have been performed in Tissue Culture Laboratory. They have been concerned with mechanisms of injury treatment and the influence of the stem cells on this process. New equipment of the laboratory is indispensable to continue the research and for methods optimization. Patients' tissues used for transplantation will be cultured in accordance with standards included in the Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with reference to human tissues and cells. The standards impose the necessity of conducting viral tests on HIV, HBV, HCV, CMV virus presence in organisms of patients qualified to cell transplantation procedure. Therefore, Tissue Culture Laboratory in which the cells will be under quarantine needs to cooperate with the Laboratory of Molecular Viral Diagnostics. In the latter unit, viral research will be undertaken in order to qualify patients and isolate the culture. Moreover, within the frameworks of the researches which are planned to be performed by the two laboratories, human skin cells will be used as a model of studies on viral infections and methods of its control.
New laboratory will bring possibilities of:
  • culture renewal and skin cells clinical application in the process of burn treatment;
  • in vitro studies of processes connected with the wounds healing and mechanisms at the level of a single cell,
  • living cells isolation chosen from the heterogenic populations cultured in vitro,
  • monitored banking and preservation of patients' cells and valuable cell lines.
Purchased equipment


June 2009
May 2010

Official opening ceremony


Person in charge:

Justyna Drukała, PhD

Assistant professor, Department of Cell Biology, FBBB UJ

More information: Department of Cell Biology, JU